Q&A Webinar: Sustainable Business Change Manager (Intl & Online)


Starts: 30/09/2024 2:00 pm

Ends: 30/09/2024 3:00 pm

Q&A Webinar: Sustainable Business Change Manager (Intl & Online)

Do you want knowledge and tools to work with sustainable business in practice? Are you considering taking our practical certificate programme Sustainable Business Change Manager? In this Q&A webinar you will, among other things:

  • Get an insight into what you learn more concretely on the modules and who teaches
  • See how the education differentiates itself from other offers in the market
  • Find out how 150+ other companies and professionals have benefitted from the programme – and how you can benefit too
  • Get tips on how to convince internal decision-makers of the value of the training

– And of course you have a good opportunity to ask lots of questions along the way. Join our Q&A webinar on the following dates:

Find more about the international online certificate programme here.

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