Vær med til at skabe en ny retning for inspirerende og ansvarlig kommunikation og branding. Vi efterspørger i stigende grad virksomheder, der ikke blot agerer ansvarligt, men som også formår at kommunikere på en måde, der inspirerer og engagerer, så det bliver...
ESG Masterclass: fra strategi til handling
I samarbejde med Mannaz. Få bæredygtighed og ESG til at leve i hele organisationen Tilmeld dig her Er din organisation klar til at tage de næste skridt mod større bæredygtighed? Med stigende krav fra kunder, medarbejdere og lovgivning bliver det stadig vigtigere at...
Learn to speak ESG: An Essential Guide & Glossary for Sustainable Business
By Tania Ellis Not long ago, corporate responsibility was often viewed as a nice-to-have—a philanthropic add-on that didn’t affect the core of the business. Today, things have changed drastically. Navigating sustainability has become complex, even for...
Webinar series: ESG Winter School
Join our open ESG Winter School in The Social Business Academy to get insights and tools for your work with ESG and sustainable business.
Webinar: Learn to speak ESG – Understanding Key Concepts and Abbreviations
Do you want to work with ESG and sustainable business practices? Even experienced professionals can find the terminology challenging. This webinar provides an overview of key terms and abbreviations, so you can understand and discuss how companies can create value for...
Webinar: Getting ESG into the Heart of Your Organisation
How do you turn sustainable business ambitions and ESG goals into actionable, everyday practices? Learn how to structure internal ESG governance and sustainability efforts to streamline data management and daily operations. This way, ESG reporting and sustainability...
Webinar: Sustainable Value Chain Alliances
How can you turn ESG and due diligence requirements into new business and innovation opportunities? And how can you establish value-creating alliances with suppliers and customers? This webinar gives you an overview of key change drivers and trends within supply chain...
Q&A Webinar: Sustainable Business Change Manager (DK)
Har du eller din virksomhed ambitioner om at omsætte ESG og bæredygtighed til konkrete, værdiskabende handlinger? Uanset om du arbejder i en stor virksomhed, NGO, offentlig institution eller driver din egen forretning, er der stigende behov for bæredygtige løsninger...
Q&A Webinar: Sustainable Business Change Manager (Intl & Online)
Whether you work in a large company, NGO, public institution, or run your own business, there is an increasing need for sustainable solutions and strategic ESG work. Looking for knowledge and tools to work with ESG and sustainable business in practice? Are you...
Sustainability in the Textile Industry: Anja Padget Paves the Way at Delogue PLM
As Head of ESG & Communication at Delogue PLM, Anja Padget is committed to making sustainability a strategic focus in the textile industry. With a background in procurement and supply chain management, she has a wealth of experience working with suppliers and a...
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