Sammenhængen mellem dataetik og demokrati, klimapositivitet over klimaneutralitet, biodiversitet som en økonomisk prioritet, er nogle af de voksende tendenser som, ifølge Tania Ellis, vil fylde i den kommende tid på bæredygtighedsområdet. Klik på ‘Read more’ for at...
Finance & investing
Den grønne omstilling handler også om social og finansiel innovation
Grøn omstilling handler ikke kun om klima og miljø men også om social innovation og finansiel innovation. Vi har brug for at opfinde nye valutaer, der fremmer og sætter værdi på bæredygtig adfærd. I dette debatindlæg deler Tania Ellis 8 eksempler på innovative...
Hvad driver den sociale dagsorden lige nu?
Langsomt men sikkert sniger den sociale dimension sig længere op ad bæredygtighedsdagsordenen. For EU har love og regulering på vej og investorer er klar over, at også S’et i ESG har betydning for, hvor sikre deres investeringer er. Bliv klogere på social taksonomi I...
[Sustainable fintech] Digital industry alliances for the greater good
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.
Virksomhederne kan ikke længere sidde overhørig over nye forbrugsvaner
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.
[The New Pioneers case] Triodos Bank – How to survive a global meltdown
Sustainability can mean many things. Most of the time it means environmental sustainability, other times you are talking about social sustainability, and lastly you have economic sustainability. The important thing to remember is that the three are interconnected and...
[The New Pioneers case] Acumen Fund – Putting focus on the social return on investment
A new movement within investing and philanthropy is making its mark worldwide. Commercial investors of capital are steering away from sectors and companies whose social or environmental risks and potential liabilities may jeopardize their financial interests – and...
Social innovation er også en god investering
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.
Beyond boom-and-bust?
‘Shame’ and ‘Cap Greed’ were some of the slogans on home-made signs of an angry crowd that met the former chief executive of the bankrupted Lehman Brothers, when he in 2009 appeared before the American congress to account for the remunerations of $350 million that he...
Philanthrocapitalism – social change through business
A new kind of charity is shaking up the business world and revamping the concept of ‘giving back’ – because this kind of charity is in fact not charity at all. The new ‘philanthrocapitalists’ – also known as venture philanthropists, new donors, high-engagement...
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